Explore benefits and resources for AmeriCorps members and alumni in Rhode Island.

General Resources

  • Call 1-800-451-1834. Currently enrolled AmeriCorps members in Rhode Island state programs have access to free, confidential, 24/7, unlimited telephonic counseling services in 140 languages.

    When you call state that you are an AmeriCorps member and provide the name of your organization (and AmeriCorps program if different). This service is provided in partnership with ServeRI, America’s Service Commissions, and AllOne Health. For additional information about a mobile app and other services ask your supervisor, or Program Director.

  • When AmeriCorps members apply for SNAP, housing, or other benefits, any living allowance or AmeriCorps benefit does not count toward income eligibility. You may provide benefit administrators - Impact of AmeriCorps Benefits on Federal Program Eligibility Memo - A memo intended to clarify how benefits received under AmeriCorps State and National are treated for any Federal or federally-assisted programs.

    Quick Link - SNAP food-assistance information and application.

    Learn about assistance programs available to all Rhode Islanders at The Economic Progress Institute | Guide to Assistance.

  • AmeriCorps Rhode Island Alums Group on LinkedIn

    National AmeriCorps Alums Group

    AmeriCorps Alums eNews - Service Year Alliance is committed to engaging with sector leaders to collect the most relevant and helpful resources and sharing this information in a quarterly newsletter, The Alums Corner: The Scoop After Service, with our growing network of alums.

  • Eli J. Segal has been described as the "father of AmeriCorps.” He served as the first CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and under his leadership AmeriCorps was created. To honor Eli, and build upon his legacy, AmeriCorps Alums gives the AmeriCorps Alums Segal Leadership Award to recognize the achievement and potential of an outstanding alum whose work, after completing their service in AmeriCorps, demonstrates entrepreneurial vision and leadership to make this a better world. Learn more and apply to this opportunity.

  • Comeback to www.americorpsri.com to find additional AmeriCorps opportunities.

    At the United Way of Rhode Island Volunteer Center, you can search local volunteer opportunities.

    Serve boldly with the Peace Corps.

Education Resources

  • Find information on how to use the education award for tuition or loan payment on the AmeriCorps website. Current members can see the projected value of the education award.

  • Schools of National Service recognize that individuals who serve in AmeriCorps bring tremendous value to higher education and other post-secondary experiences. Their leadership skills and commitment to civic engagement benefit the institution, other students, and their community. Some universities waive admission fees, match the Education Award, provide in-state tuition rates, or other scholarships. Search the Schools of National Service.

  • When you complete two year’s at RIC, the final two years could be tuition-free! The new Hope Scholarship provides students across Rhode Island access to a high-quality bachelor’s degree for less than $25,000. Find out more about this opportunity.

  • RI Reconnect supports adult students in Rhode Island who want to earn a degree or credential, or enroll in training, by assisting with tuition and non-college expenses. You tell them about what’s getting in the way of completing your studies, and they assign you a navigator to do their best to solve those problems. RI Reconnect is a program of the Office of Postsecondary Commission. Take advantage of this program.

  • RISLA’s College Planning Center (CPC) is a free service dedicated to helping students gain access to higher education. Each year, the CPC helps thousands of students and families plan to attend college and pay for it. Explore types of colleges, advice on applications, find a FAFSA application workshops, search scholarship lists, and explore other resources.

Employment Resources

  • Employers of National Service connects AmeriCorps and Peace Corps alumni with employers from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. Search the network.

  • The Association of State Service Commissions provides job posts for staff positions in national service, such as state commissions and nonprofits managing AmeriCorps programs. Find postings.

    Find opportunities to work for the AmeriCorps federal agency here.

    Consider jobs in government at www.usajobs.gov or State of Rhode Island Career Pages. In some cases, you can set up alerts that send updates to your email account on a regular basis based on search terms, type of job, and location.

  • See Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for guidance when writing a resume and cover letter.

    The Guardian’s article on the star technique will show you one way to structure stories about your past experiences and impress interviewers.

    Check out Monster.com’s articles on interview tips and how to discuss your strengths and weaknesses. Have an “elevator pitch” ready, a concise description of your AmeriCorps or current professional role, and where you are headed next.

Thank you for serving.