Rhode Island’s Commission
for National and Community Service
Over the past 30 years, ServeRI has helped 8,300 Rhode Island residents serve 12 million hours in AmeriCorps and earn $30 million in education benefits.
Our Purpose
ServeRI creates service opportunities through AmeriCorps for individuals to address community challenges and to gain civic leadership and job experience on their path to new careers or higher education. Housed and supported by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), ServeRI is the Governor-appointed Rhode Island Commission for National and Community Service authorized under Public Law 2024 Chapter 098. We help communities mobilize AmeriCorps members and community volunteers to make a measurable difference in education, the environment, health, housing, and more by:
Implementing a national service plan for Rhode Island that inspires service as a strategy to meet local community needs and fosters civic engagement;
Administering AmeriCorps grant competitions;
Monitoring and supporting AmeriCorps programs;
Enhancing benefits provided to AmeriCorps service participants, such as career exploration and job credentials, and civic leadership training; and
Promoting paid AmeriCorps service and community volunteer opportunities that bring people together and empower changemakers.
Access a state profile at AmeriCorps.gov/RhodeIsland.
Rhode Island State Service Plan
The Rhode Island State Service Plan 2024-2026 identifies six objectives for advancing service in Rhode Island, as well as ServeRI funding areas and progress measures for accountability.
Strong Communities
Grow the awareness of AmeriCorps in Rhode Island.
Objective 1A: Curate and distribute stories about service.
Objective 1B: Promote AmeriCorps service and resource opportunities.
Strong Programs
Extend the reach of AmeriCorps to benefit more Rhode Island communities.
Objective 2A: Develop local high-quality programs that perform to AmeriCorps’ competitive funding standards.
Objective 2B. Partner with other units of government to support service opportunities aligned with the RI 2030 Plan.
Strong Members
Develop life-long leaders focused on service, community, and equity.
Objective 3A: AmeriCorps Rhode Island members and alumni will develop a sense of pride for their service and their community.
Objective 3B: Support AmeriCorps members and alumni with their benefits and skill development to transition from service to career pathways or educational institutions.